A heart-warming documentary by Klara Van Es on life with dementia through the patients’ eyes

Lost Down Memory Lane by Klara Van Es is a ‘tranche de vie’ of Iduna, an apartment house where eight aging ladies with dementia share their disease and their lives. By bringing the story as seen through the patients’ eyes it results in a simple, honest and unique approach. Alzheimer’s hasn’t overruled all their mental abilities yet. They are in the first phase of the disease, which means that flurries of lucidity, oblivion and absence take turns continuously. They tell in their own way, about what losing your memory really is about. While they still can..

Confronterend in al z’n soberheid. - NRC Handelsblad

Een oprechte, zorgvuldig gemaakte en betrokken film. Van Es houdt precies genoeg afstand op het ene moment, komt net dichtbij genoeg op het andere. -

Deze aangrijpende film toont hoe verwoestend dementie kan zijn, vanop de eerste rij. - De Standaard

About the director

Klara Van Es studied art history. She has an impressive track of duty as a radio- and television maker. working as a reporter, journalist, director and editor in chief for several television production companies. As such, she has worked on television shows for all Flemish networks. She has produced films for public services, as well as corporate movies. Lost down Memory Lane was Klara's successful documentary debut.


Directed by Klara Van Es

Editor – Leen Anthonissen

Dop – Mark Sanders 

Music – Jef Neve

Production details

Duration: 90' & 55'

a co-production with Memphis Film & Television (NL)

in collaboration with Docaddict vzw and the television broadcasters Lichtpunt (B), HUMAN (NL) and YLE (FIN)

With the support of Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), The Dutch Film Fund, Cobo-fund, the Province of Antwerp, The King Baudouin Foundation, the Flemish Community, Gemeente Essen, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, Landsbond van Onafhankelijke Ziekenfondsen and SABAM.

Language: Dutch

Subtitles: English, Dutch